post-injury progress

It's been three and a half months since my crash in June, and while I continue to progress, it's been a lot slower than I originally expected. Strength is improving thanks to Physical Therapy (@ Potrero Physical Therapy, supplemented by plenty of work in the gym), and my cycling is getting stronger after a break for some travel and watching America's Cup. My Strava plot tells the story (distance in km):

Note the short distances from late 2012 were from a focus on running versus cycling.

I can run short distances (very short) but even a half mile running to the gym last week left me slightly hobbled for a few days. I'm definitely looking forward to getting my running legs back, as I very much miss trail running.

Cycling is going better. While my right side is uncomfortable pedaling, it's not painful, and I'm more limited by lack of aerobic fitness and endurance than the injury. I've not yet done any extended climbs (more than 1100 vertical feet), and my longest ride was commuting to work this morning, 53 miles.

It's been frustrating, for sure. But the high degree of fatigue I suffered earlier is almost completely gone now. I continue to be mostly off caffeine for the first time since college, which is nice (I had some white tea when traveling to the East Coast due to jetlag). But for timeline I'm definitely thinking early next year before I'm going to set any meaningful fitness goals. For now the focus is on the physical therapy and on getting a minimal level of aerobic work in.


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