San Francisco anti-smoking law and sidewalks

Waiting in line last night on the sidewalk for the Bicycle Film Festival, people tightly packed along the building waiting for the doors to open, a chatty fellow behind me lit up a cigarette.

Cigarette smoke is something I'm rarely exposed to for more than a few seconds, and despite the steady wind, the smell of the fumes was physically sickening, not to menton a tangible health risk. In fact, just typing this the next morning reminds me of the queasy feeling in my stomach as I tried my best to maximize my distance from him without losing my place in my line.

What to do? Politely ask him, as a favor, to stop? Inform him that such behavior isn't acceptable (that option probably doesn't work so well, in my experience). I probably should have done the former. But instead I waited it out, resolute that if he tried another, I'd speak up. Fortunately one was enough for him.

San Francisco likes to vigorously pat itself on the back for being anti-smoking, and indeed in indoor areas smoking is highly regulated. And in outdoor parks and outdoor eating areas, smoking is generally restricted, although the compliance with the park part of that can be quite poor. But the city remains under the myth that on crowded public sidewalks, second-hand smoke is magically swept away by the zephyr winds.

On sidewalks, waiting for a traffic signal, waiting in line, or even just walking along, smoking is extremely disrespectful to those around you. Sure, an almost century of film has, with the financial influence of tobacco companies, promoted the notion that it is a strictly personal, largely positive, behavior. But there I was, feeling sick to my stomach, uncomfortable creating a scene with a guy whom I didn't know and whose stability I couldn't trust. Sure, I could have said something, as I noted, but this is California where the direct approach must be handled with more care than in the Northeast, where I grew up.

The smoking ordinance is here. The only mention of sidewalks, as you can see, is if the sidewalk is within 15 feet of a building, unless it is at a curb, in which case it's okay. Presumably this is to allow pedestrian smokers to continue on their way, unimpeded by the law, by walking near curbs.

But this prioritizes the smoker's perceived needs over the health and well-being of others. Obviously smoking is a voluntary activity, done for self-destructive purpose to the detriment of others nearby. There is simply no reason for the city to preserve a "right" to practice it in crowded public areas, including sidewalks whether near curbs or not.

I experienced this again, the day before, as I went for an evening run and had to pass through the fumigated sphere surrounding each of a substantial number of pedestrian smokers. I'm well practiced in this: observe the characteristic hand-position, spot the white butt, inhale deeply, then 5 full strides on a slow exhale, testing the air tentatively once the breath is gone.

I've written Supervisor Malia Cohen and asked her to support legislation extending the anti-smoking ordinance to ban smoking on public sidewalks. Rationally, it's consistent with the restriction on smoking in parks. And it will make the city a more pleasant, healthier place to be for the majority who don't share this deadly addiction. I got no response. This position is, unfortunately, still viewed as extreme in a city where a surprisingly large fraction of residents across the age and economic spectrum fall victim to big tobacco's lure.


Nem said…
I feel exactly the same as you! Constantly doing the "observe smoker walking ahead of me, hold breath, try to rush by" routine. I have asthma that is triggered by all the secondhand smoke in SF. I take an expensive daily medication that I wouldn't need if it weren't for the secondhand smoke exposure I am forced to experience just to get to work.

I am wondering if there is any way to address this to try to affect city policies? Is contacting my supervisor the only way? Is there any kind of anti-smoking movement brewing in San Francisco that might result in a ban such as Walnut Creek's?
djconnel said…
Thanks for the comment! I'm in Basel Switzerland at the moment and it's worse here -- smoking is relatively common.

Perhaps a petition would be a place to start.
Tom said…
Smoking while waiting in line for a movie is actually prohibited. Quoting the ordinance that you linked to:

"(d) Smoking is prohibited in service waiting areas... such as ATMs, bank teller windows, telephones, ticket lines, movie theater lines, concert lines, athletic event lines, performance event lines and cab stands..."

This doesn't solve the problem of how to confront the inconsiderate smoker, though.
Joel said…
Here's an idea: quit being a typical California whiny bitch! Ban this, ban that, and what has it done for you? Your "progressive" ideas are nothing more than fascism, directed at those whom would like to have the freedom to do what they want, ie
I work in the hotel business in Reno, NV., and am constantly inundated with the odor of weed coming from California guest rooms, where they have posted "no smoking" signs in the rooms. Seems a lot like hypocracy to me.
Joel said…
Wow. You people are f*ing whiners. Why did I even read this crap. No smoking? Shut the Fuck up.
Joel said…
OMG! A smoker! (Fake coughing noise). You are obviously a wuss, (that's part wimp, part Lizzy), if you aren't hip to that lingo... do you REALLY think that a short of smoke is going to hurt you? I guess Californians are particularly sensitive to every known substance known to man, considering all of the rediculous laws you all pass. You are Sooooooo worried about everything except where you live. I guess the next law you should pass is the one banning the San Andreas Fault from causing earthquakes. Good luck, and I will continue not coming to your city as a tourist.
Vladimir said…
There are smokers and there are ex smokers. Which one are you it's just a matter of time. That said, if you have time to make a change. Most smokers are very aggressive and get on defensive if you approach them head on, so not telling him into his face was smart. On the other hand asking someone in line who looks really mucho if that cigarette smoke bothers them would be a better choice. Some people mind their business but some would do something about it, like asking nicely if they could move a bit to the side and finish their cigarette there. Usually that would make the person realize that his smoke is actually bothering others and they might put out their cigarette or at least not light up another one. Silence is not cool, silence is not safe. Asking nicely usually works better then imitation of coughing which makes smokers even more aggressive. I've been smoke free for 17 years and it's easier to get angry when you smell that nasty crap, believe me. Got into the fight with a whole bunch of smokers inside a restaurant in Brooklyn NY, and actually won the fight. So yes, I'm with you on that issue. Smoking should be prohibited everywhere except designated places with a good ventilation. But you know that saying : smoking section inside a restaurant is like a peeing section in a swimming pool.

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