Hacking the Sudoku solver from The Ruby Programming Language
On only page 18 of Flanagan and Matsumoto's excellent "The Ruby Programming Language" a relatively complex example is presented: a Sudoku puzzle solver. I've had a decades-long interest in maze solvers, and this tied in nicely with that. I resolved to give the code a close look when I'd finished the book. And surprising myself, I soon did. I read it cover-to-cover, frequently even re-reading sections I'd already covered when a lack of mastery of specific material became evident later. The language is a nice alternative to Perl, which had been my scripting language of choice since 1998. Ruby has a lot of cool characteristics, even if it sometimes falls weakness to Perl's desire to appease too much diversity in coding styles. I personally think being able to do things effectively two different ways is inferior to being able to do things as effectively only one, as the latter makes multi-author code easier to follow and coherently maintain. But as usu...