Wheel test
When I carried the boxes up the stairs, I honestly contemplated that they might be empty. Of course, they weren't. It's just that these wheels are sicko light. Cycling Technology's Mt Washington wheels , assembled by Nico Toutenhoofd , checked in at an insane 776 grams for the pair. This is 5 grams lighter than the claimed mass for the super-pricey (okay, still cheaper than my wheels) Mavic R-Sys Premium , the rear wheel alone . Yet as impressive as the number is, it's nothing compared to the impression one gets from lifting the thing. Even with my Red 11-23 cassette, the glued-on Veloflex Record Carbon tire, and valve extenders, these wheels tip the scale at 1390 grams, just 30 grams less than the R-Sys without tires, tubes, or cassette. Sick. And that's going generous with the glue . Combined with my Lightning SL crankset (170mm, 110mm BCD, 129 gram SRAM Rival/Force chainrings, 9.7 gram Shimano chainring bolts, 580.8 grams total with bearings), when things...