Installing xgraph on Mac OS/X Lion
After years on Thinkpads running Linux, I decided to take the plunge on an Apple Mac Air. Macs have always had a premium price for the hardware, and I never considered the cost justified, since you're buying a lot of software with that money and I have all the software I need with Linux. But the deal with the Macs is they simply work, and the Air is a beautifully designed machine. After searching for a quick data plotting application, I was frustrated to find I still couldn't find anything which beat the old tried-and-true: xgraph , written at Berkeley in the 1980's It produces nice plots, data sets clearly differentiated in nice colors against a neutral grey background, with a super-simple data format trivially processed with scripting. The code's beauty is its simplicity and it's excellent defaults: no widgets or pull-down menus to deal with. At work I can tell people think I'm a bit strange for using such ancient code, but I get the last laugh when I to...