Low-Key Hillclimbs: best scores ever
Since thanks to Ron Brunner and Dean Larson, I now have the complete set of Low-Key Hillclimb results (the '90's pages were lost when Giorgio Cosentino, the webmaster at the time, had his account expire, and I wasn't backing up his stuff, and I lost the older stuff when my UNIX account from grad school got flushed). Anyway, a bit of work saved then doing backups resulted in a lot more work today reconstructing results. After typing in data from scans of Dean's printouts, getting some of the HTML from the Wayback machine (and all of 1995 ), regenerating 1996 - 1997 HTML from the data I'd typed in, and mining data from the existing HTML, I now have a nice set of times for every week the series was run. The exception was 1998 where I barely had anything to work with, so generated all fresh HTML using my current scripts, modifying the scoring algorithm to match that year's. The series started in 1995 with the top rider getting 100 points, everyone else a sco...